Time to Raise the Upendo Roof!


Hi all, Sorry for the lack of content on here, exams and hand-ins have taken over of late but the good news is that thanks to Nanny Townsend and her very generous donation, we have successfully completed the 3rd phase of construction and just look how great the building is looking in this picture taken last week!! Everyone at Upendo is very excited to see our plans coming together.

This seems a far cry from the mound of ants volunteers were battling with just 8 months ago!

The next stage is to complete the roof of the building. Upendo Trustee Matt Rigby has worked hard with Emmaus a homeless relieving initiative, who are going to fund the roof of the home and offer extra support and guidance about running a sustainable organisation whilst we continue to learn and progress. We cannot thank Emmaus enough. Once again we are moving closer to our goal and closer to moving the children into their new home!

So whilst we will be initiating work on the roof over the next few weeks, we are also beginning to plan our time in Tanzania this summer. We have a whopping 15 volunteers coming out to the home between June and September, including a team from Engineers Without Borders who will be setting up a reusable water collection system. Other volunteer projects involve the organising of a summer community sporting club which will bring together children of primary school age from the local community to partake in a football tournament, the redevelopment of the volunteer house garden which will involve a lot of re-seeding, the erection of a temporary kitchen at the building site and last but not least Matt's Chicken Coop project! And that is just to name a few!

I will be in Tanzania 3 weeks today and I cannot wait to see the children! Whilst I am in Tanzania this summer I will also be working at a local health clinic, so whilst it is full steam ahead in all directions Upendo, we have a lot planned, a group of fantastic volunteers and a whole summer a head of us. Watch this space!!!

Thats all for now,

