Full House!


Hi all, An update to you all is well overdue and I can only blame the severe lack of electricity we are experiencing in Tanzania at present. That and a full volunteer house with everybody busying themselves so much that by 9pm we are happy to start winding down for bed!

The past month has been very busy, working at KKT health clinic in the days whilst the children are at school and then spending the evenings with our beautiful Upendo children, either playing a number of ball games, completing homework, reading a book from a fast growing childrens library or taking part in arts and crafts. The main project of which has been led by student nurse, Vicki, who is transforming the children’s art work on the walls of the volunteer house, creating an African scene display on the main wall and numerous other fairy tale esque-editions. It looks great! I will post a photo once it is finished.

As I mentioned previously we now have a full house of volunteers, Sam and Marshenka are two engineering students from the University of Manchester who have come as part of Engineers Without Borders to design and construct a water collection system from the roof of our sleeping house building to store rain water for use in the dry season. They are now 2 weeks into their stay and the tank, despite a few teething problems, appears to be progressing quite nicely (although not from an aesthetic point of view!)

We also have Matt, a graduate from University of Southampton, who has come to join us until September. Matt’s main projects will be leading the design and construction of a temporary kitchen at site along with our very own James Quayle, and he has now taken over the position of Treasurer. Despite these assignments, Matt is already finding himself to be required in all projects, from assisting with the construction of the water tank to clearing the garden of the volunteer house.

A great surprise arrived last Friday in the form of long term volunteer and very valued member of Upendo - Andrew McIntyre (‘Our Man In Africa’). Andrew has chosen Mwanza and Buswelu as his hometown, and is currently on leave from his engineering job which has seen him working in Liberia and Ghana for the past 12 weeks. We are extremely happy to have him home for a couple of weeks, once again I cannot fault his work ethic and commitment to assisting in making Upendo thrive.

James is almost a week into his second trip to Mwanza and is getting back into the swing of Upendo life. Much like Matt, whilst his main project will be to work on the temporary kitchen, he has seen himself spending long days on site assisting with the construction of the water tank.

Finally, this Wednesday saw the arrival of Jackie from Cleveland State University, Ohio. Jackie spent last summer at Upendo and she has returned to project manage a Community Sports Project for children in the local area to take part in after school and in their school break over August. We are hoping to spread the word of Upendo and integrate further with the local community.

Upendo Children

The children are doing great, they have had their 4 monthly check up to find the usual results of asymptomatic malaria and typhoid in a couple of the children, who have all now been treated, and are on usual energetic form. However, Joice and Mussa have both had to have a tooth removed. Vicki and I are planning an interactive session with the kids and Mama’s on practicing good teeth hygiene and brushing techniques.

The children are also working hard at school, they have just completed their monthly exams and we have a parents day on Sunday so I will let you know how that goes!! I am very excited to be going as their parent.


Construction of the building has come to a slight standstill at present as we continue to work out and correspond over registration of Upendo Children’s Home as an NGO in Tanzania. We hope to be back on track very soon, but for the time being we need to ensure that we are completing everything by the book in Tanzania in order to keep in line with the Tanzanian government. We are continuing to fundraise and raise awareness of our projects so as to storm on with the construction once we are registered in TZ.

Baba Carly's T-Shirts!!

These have gone down a storm! All but two are sold and so we are hoping to get some more made and shipped ASAP! They are without doubt the new trend in the village! If you haven't got one and would like one, please contact enquiries@upendo.org.uk. They are being sold at £10 each! Bargain!

OK, electricity is threatening to cut so I'm going to end it whilst I can make it coherant.

Love and Light from all at Upendo xxx